What Our Members Are Saying

[Gunnar Sahlin is] the driving force that makes FCSS such a dynamic and caring community of music lovers."

— Victor

“It has been a very rewarding and enriching experience for me the past two years[…] I feel I have been growing during this time and have felt more confident both in my playing and being a member of the orchestra. What has made FCSS so notable is its welcoming nature. I still recall my first evening and how warm, helpful and welcoming all the musicians were to me. It made me feel at home right away, a most important orchestra characteristic.”

— John

[…]it's still one of the most enjoyable groups I've played with in terms of spirit, musical desire and congeniality."

— Yenoin

In my old orchestra days conductors mostly yelled at people and told them how bad they played. And the cellos especially were always too loud. Sometimes you actually tell us to play louder - imagine that! ! ! !"

— Janet